I'm so glad you asked :3
welcome to this secret little page where we talk about corn! that's not a very secret secret but hey.
why is your website corn?
- According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Corny means "mawkishly old-fashioned : tiresomely simple and sentimental". I love that! I'm cheering and clapping! I love chessy contrivences, campy genre media, and sincere sentimentality to the point of cringe!
- My kender oc since middle school, which I'm planning to use as an NPC if I ever DM a dragonlance campaign, was named Tulip Corncob . That was also my tumblr URL for a while (back in, gee, 2018 maybe?), and I love her. look!
- Corn is also known as... Maize. and what is an html website if not someone's personal little maze of links and fun, and in my case, see point 1, corny fun? I've never had the opportunity to be in a corn maze, but. they do exist.
- listen I've had CornyOffTheCob saved as a URL option on my tumblr foreverrr but I keep choosing more fandomy ones even though I do really love it so, Now is it's time to shine. I even handmade this little corn sprite on a pixelart website and everything.